BGRC 2020 Annual General Meeting

Dear Members,

I am writing to advise all Ballarat GRC Members of our upcoming 2020 Annual General Meeting, which will be held at the BGRC on Thursday 1st October 2020 at 7.00pm.

Accordingly, please find attached the following:

1) Agenda and Notice of the BGRC 2020 Annual General Meeting
2) Minutes from the BGRC 2019 Annual General Meeting
3) BGRC 2020 Committee Member Nomination Form
4) BGRC Committee Recruitment Policy

Currently the Club is led by an Interim skills-based Committee of five (5) appointed by and under supervision of the Administrator. All five (5) Interim Committee positions will fall vacant at the upcoming AGM. Interim Committee members, along with other suitable candidates are invited to nominate for the five (5) vacant positions. Following the Committee’s appointment at the AGM, the Club will then request GRV to be removed from Administration.

Why are we undertaking this process ?

There are five (5) positions on the BGRC Committee, one of which represents the BGRC Racing Advisory Committee.

The BGRC Committee Member Recruitment Policy (approved September, 2019) requires Committee Nominees to possess appropriate skills, technical competencies and proven Governance knowledge. The intention of having this recruitment policy in place is to ensure that the BGRC attracts a Committee with all members appointed having proven Governance knowledge and technical competencies as applied at Best Practice Committee level i.e. Legal, Financial, Governance, Business, Greyhound Racing, etc. The Committee will endeavour to address diversity in terms of gender, age and culture.

The BGRC importantly has a dedicated and highly effective Racing Advisory Committee that has as its Terms of Reference a focus on:

• Greyhound Welfare
• Facilities
• Race Calendar & Promotion
• Participant Communication

Nominees should clearly set out their reasons for seeking a Committee position using the Nominee Information Form and attach a CV highlighting the skills and capabilities they will bring to the role. They must be returned to the Club General Manager/Secretary by 5pm Friday, 21st August, 2020.

Late Nominations will not be accepted.

In the event that there are more suitable nominations received than positions available, a postal ballot of all financial club members will be undertaken by an independent Returning Officer.

Should any members have any queries regarding the above process or attachments please contact BGRC General Manager/Secretary Rod Ward on 0400 611 310.

Kind regards,

Rod Ward
General Manager
Tel: (03) 5335 7201
M) 0400 611 310
Ballarat Greyhound Racing Club & Ballarat Function Centre

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